Archive for the 'Fitness and Weight Loss' Category

Only Skinny Starbucks Lattes from now on

I LOVE Starbucks.  LOVE IT.  I still using a Starbucks gift card someone gave me for Christmas.  Now that I am on a DIE-t, I have realized that my Starbucks addiction to Caramel Apple Spice has GOT to end. Check out that picture which does not do the taste justice.  That is one of my favorite drinks ever.  Goodbye 460 calories (for a Venti), the Write Gal’s on a DIE-t.  Hello Vanilla Skinny Latte (Tall) ~ 90 Calories.  Maybe Skinny Lattes = Skinny Me?

By the way, I totally *heart* the people at Starbucks because you can find all of the nutritional information for their drinks right on their Web site.  Check it out here.

What’s your Starbucks addiction?

Losing 40 Before Turning 40

I am on a mission to drop 40 pounds before my 40th birthday next year.  To help me get there I decided to try Nutrisystem and so far it is going well. In one week I lost 4 pounds! I am so excited–only 36 more to go.  Thankfully my birthday is more than a year away so hopefully I will achieve my goal.  I will keep you updated on my progress.

The biggest thing to get used to is portion control. That is so my problem; eating way more than what I should at mealtime.  Nutrisystem does have everything perfectly proportioned for you and so far so good. If I can survive the first week I feel like I can survive for the whole 4o pounds.  Although sometimes this past week I have felt  like our dog Ashes had more in his bowl than I did in mine LOL. I am sure I will have to get used to eating less.

Wish me luck.  Thinking skinny thoughts,

The word “die” is in diet for a reason!

I hate dieting! If losing weight was so easy there wouldn’t be so much information online about it.  If you Google “weight loss” you get 52 million hits. There’s a reason for all of the diet advice on the Internet –I think a lot of Americans struggle with their weight like I do.  For me it is not as simple as exercising and taking in less calories.   I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism which makes losing weight even more difficult.  My metabolism is slower than slow.  I also seem to have a problem with portion control.  There are so many diet programs out there I am hoping that I just haven’t found the right one for me. I have tried Weight Watchers, counting calories, and countless other diets, and have not yet been able to reach my weight loss goals. I need to lose 30 pounds for sure but ideally I would like to drop 40 pounds and keep it off. I have had some success before but my weight always seems to yo-yo.  😦

After researching various diet plans, I am thinking of starting the Nutrisystem program. The one thing that attracted me to Nutrisystem most of all is the controlled portions.  The food arrives ready for you to cook and there is no measuring your protein with your food scale.  I have a food scale at home but I get tempted to eat more when I cook because we always have leftovers.  I think the controlled portion sizes would really help me and would not tempt me to eat more since there isn’t a “second helping” readily available. One thing I learned about Nutrisystem is that you supplement their entrees with fresh grocery items (fruit, dairy, salads and vegetables) into your plan so you’re guaranteed the nutrition from these items in addition to the prepackaged Nutrisystem foods.  Per the Nutrisystem Web site their entrees and desserts contain Low-glycemic “good carbs”, Protein, Fiber, Low sodium, Low fat, and No trans fats. 

To be honest one of the initial things that drew me to Nutrisystem was Marie Osmond’s story of how she lost 50 pounds. I have seen her in People magazine and on Entertainment Tonight talking about how pleased she is with her results.  Another person who has been inspiring me to lose weight is my friend Kimberly over at She Scribes who is currently on the Nutrisystem program. I have enjoyed reading her blog about how she is using Nutrisystem to acheive her weight loss goals. 

I am curious if you have tried Nutrisystem and if you like it.  By the way in case you are wondering I am not currently reviewing the Nutrisystem program for my blog but I wouldn’t object if they want to send me a 3-month supply to check it out.

I fell off the exercise wagon!

I am embarrassed to say that I have been really bad about exercising this past week. I have fallen off the wagon for sure.  The best thing to do when you fall off is to pick yourself back up and dust yourself off.  So tomorrow is a new day, right? 

A big thank you to my friend Tanya over at Mommy Goggles for her inspirational chat today to get me back into the swing of things.  She has a great blog and if you aren’t reading it you should be! I will report in later.  Good luck to all of my other friends out there who are exercising.  We can do this!


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