Go Vote Today!

The experts are saying that this election might break some records for voter turnout.  Regardless of which candidates you support, be sure to go and exercise your right to vote today!  One thing I will not miss is the amount of candidate-related telephone calls to my house.  Thank goodness for Caller ID! Another thing I will not miss is the mass of election signs everywhere.  I hope people will be responsible after the election has ended and remove the signs from their yards and the intersections.  Yesterday when picking up the Little Write Gal from school, we passed a house that had both a McCain and Obama sign in their yard.  I guess that person is still undecided.

Happy Voting!

3 Responses to “Go Vote Today!”

  1. 1 Beth November 4, 2008 at 12:27 pm

    It could be the wife likes Obama but the husband likes McCain (or the other way around. ) I know from experience because Kevin and I have very different political views.

  2. 2 Amanda November 4, 2008 at 7:35 pm

    I know a couple with two signs in their yard. Over the top of them, one says, “His” and one says, “Hers.”

  3. 3 Mom November 5, 2008 at 8:49 pm

    You’ll be pleased to hear that I removed our McCain sign in our yard this morning–now if I can just get motivated with a razor and get the back glass sticker removed LOL

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